Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lovin' Life :)

My senior year is off to a great start. Chill classes, rugby, great friends, little drama. What more could I ask for? Its all finally pulling together and Im enjoying life every day :)

Rugby is over now. We came in 5th in a Varsity tournament, and being the only JV team that is pretty good! We didn't get last place :) But we gave all the varsity, except our own varsity, a run for their money. They had to really fight to get their wins. So it was a good end to the season, and sports awards is tonight.

Well, I think I've pretty much decided where to go next year for college. UVU. While it is not final and wont be for a few months, I feel really good about UVU. Its a great school!

My classes are all chill. Nothing much going on, so I get to read a lot of my own books :) Right now Im reading the Hunger Games series. Wow. SO intense!! I just finished the first book of the 3, and starting the 2nd one. Cant wait to finish it and go on to the 3rd!

Well I dont have much to say. I am debating whether or not to do the musical next semester, because I want to have time to spend with my twin sister before we part for college :( I do NOT want that day to come... Life will be so different without her. Believe it or not, its the first time I will be doing something this big on my own. Whenever Ive moved places or gone to new schools or had to try a club or something, Marissa has always been there with me. I do not want to let that go yet :( I mean it will be good to be independent, just different. It wont be like most people who usually do things on their own.

Well, life is short, goes by fast. So live it to the fullest! Thats what Im doing :) And it sure makes life a heck of a lot better!

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